5 Tech Tools Helping Real Estate Agents Be More Productive

5 Tech Tools Helping Real Estate Agents Be More Productive

The world of real estate can be a busy one, and agents know this better than anyone. Real estate professionals are constantly on the go, putting in long hours, and navigating through jammed schedules. When there’s so much to get done, it’s easy to start wondering, “where does all the time go?” 

Working in such a fast-paced industry makes lack of time a common pain point for agents. We know it can be hard to stay productive while constantly switching gears, so we’ve compiled a list of our 5 favorite productivity hacks for agents. Of course, thanks to technology, being more productive with your time can be as easy as downloading an app or trying out the latest real estate software. 

As with any technology, always experiment to find what works for you. Here are some of our favorites: 


Only a few years ago, social media had little place in the business world. However, it quickly evolved to become one of the greatest tools for business. It’s 2019 and social media plays an integral role in almost all industries — including real estate.

Social media has added a completely new realm of tasks agents’ already-full plates. Social media management can quickly become time-consuming, but that’s where Hootsuite comes in. This game-changing software allows users to navigate different social platforms simultaneously, schedule posts in advance, and manage content. 


Agents are always working with multiple clients and deals all at the same time. When you’re juggling between tasks, it can be easy to make mistakes. Being a project management app, Trello is an awesome way for agents to stay organized.

Trello is highly visual, user-friendly, and customizable to meet all of your specific needs. Users can organize projects, create timeframes, set reminders, and always stay on track. 


Organization and success go hand-in-hand. It’s hard to find one without the other, so agents looking to boost their workflow should focus on becoming more organized. Wunderlist is helping agents stay efficient and productive. 

Wunderlist allows users to create tasks, reminders, alerts, and more. To make it even more real estate-friendly, it’s also highly collaborative. Team members can sync up through the app to communicate and work together — all on one easy to understand platform.  


Time management is a huge aspect of optimizing the agent workflow. Agents need to be able to prioritize their tasks, schedule meetings, make time to network, and be on the go — all at the same time. Finding your place in this flow isn’t always easy, but Toggl can help.

Toggl can make the difference between full productivity and drowning in piles of uncompleted work. Toggl is more than just a time management app since it uses AI to be interactive, intuitive, and customizable. Toggl can also help you find better solutions by strategizing a new game plan for the next session. 


Paperwork is nothing new to real estate agents. But, we all know real estate documents are highly sensitive and even a little mistake can leave you and your client at huge risk. 

Mitigate that stress with Glide, a seller’s disclosure’s best friend. Glide helps both agents and sellers ensure that the disclosure process is done correctly and accurately, all while making the process quick and easy. 

Want to know more about Glide’s premier services? Visit our website.

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